Help for Ukraine

Thank you for your support of Ukraine!

Below you will find where your donations go and how they help the war-torn people of Ukraine.

На этих видео люди в Харькове получают гуманитарную помощь которая была закуплена за финансы которые вы жертвовали. Да благословит Господь каждого кто не остался в стороне, но поучаствовал, и продолжает участвовать в нуждах людей пострадавших от военных действий в Украине

The first series of photos and videos is a report on financial assistance to churches in Vinnytsia, which used donated funds to buy food, prepare food and take it to the war zone to those in need.

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With the donated money, a device was purchased that vacuum packs products.

This is part of the work done, for donated finances from our church, by brothers and sisters from Vinnitsa.

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This is a Report for donations that were sent to Chernivtsi. The brothers bought groceries so that they could then take them to places where it was impossible to buy food in stores. Also, the sisters are working to prepare ready-made food sets. Finances were also sent to support refugees who came to Chernivtsi from the war zone.

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